Friday, September 13, 2013

Starving to look good?


When individuals fast as part of their religious observation, it never lasts long enough to invoke the serious side affects of caloric/nutrient restriction such as neurological as well as hormonal imbalances and other side affects that occur with prolonged starvation. Keeping in mind that although you may see weight loss, more than 50% of the weight loss is fluid loss which often leads to hypotension (low blood pressure), which can be dangerous.  Also, the accumulation of uric acid a waste product that is cleared by the kidneys can become overly abundant in the bloodstream and can lead to gout, a form of arthritis. 

There are no scientific studies that prove that very low calorie diets or fasting have any advantage and could in fact do more harm than good. In fact, very low calorie diets can lead to death due to cardiac complications. In fact, unless you are obese (BMI greater than 30), you risk losing too much potassium (an important electrolyte) and protein. 

Other less serious side affects that can interfere with quality of life is fatigue, light-headedness, nervousness, intolerance to cold, constipation, dry skin, anemia, and a host of other symptoms. 

Diets that promise fast results with little to no effort are setting you up for failure and are unrealistic ultimately leading to feelings of guilt and of letting yourself down. When you can eat healthy, naturally low fat, high fiber, delicious and nutritious food and couple that with exercise and still lose weight...

Why FAST and disturb your health! Do it the right way, the healthy way, and Eat Well, Be FIT~1FITrd

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